
a weblog for readers and writers

Monday, May 22, 2023

Warsaw: Old and New – in Go World Travel Magazine

Poland, once considered one of the wealthiest and mightiest countries in the world, appealed to my teenage son and I as we thought about where we’d like to travel for a father-son adventure. Join us as we uncover the thrilling destinations we explored on our recent trip to Warsaw by reading my travel story: “Warsaw: Old and New” in Go World Travel Magazine.

Exploring the Royal Route, Old Town, and the Royal Castle; marveling at the architecture, sculptures, and street life in Old Town's Market Square; enjoying the view of the city from our rented flat – find it all in Go World Travel Magazine.



Monday, May 15, 2023

My short story, "Infected" (an excerpt from Wrecks and Ruins) was published in Loch Raven Review. Here’s an excerpt of the excerpt.

“When the COVID-19 pandemic began, it had been all fun and games, at least for Stu and Tiffany. They relished the opportunity to spend all their time together in their spacious home on Pinehurst. Coronavirus was all anyone talked about on the news or in phone conversations—it dominated talk the way it dominated the economy, the health system, politics, and everything else.

On the plus side, Stu and Tiffany and most of their friends and family were healthy, so even if they contracted the virus they knew they would likely be fine, not much worse off than if they were to get the flu. But as the quarantine dragged on from March to April, April to May, all the way into June and July and autumn, and winter, the novelty of being stuck in the house together had worn thin.”

Read the full story at the link below:


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Monday, May 08, 2023

"Victimless" in The Five-Two


I'm thrilled to announce that my poem "Victimless" has been published in The Five-Two, an online journal that publishes one crime-related poem each week. "Victimless" explores the lingering guilt and fear of a past crime through the lens of an adult reflecting on naive teenage years.

You can find "Victimless" and other crime-related poems on The Five-Two website.


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Monday, May 01, 2023

The Doctorow Method of Research


Do you ever find yourself questioning just how much research you need before starting out on the adventure of beginning a new novel or story? E.L. Doctorow never worried about how much research to do. He already knew.

"Just enough research," he explained when I met him one year at the National Book Festival. He expressed that many writers research and research and research until they know too much and can't write a decent fiction. Many writers, in an effort to get things right, get caught up and research and never get deep enough into the writing.

Case and point: his research for perhaps one of his best-known novel, Ragtime

"My knee fell into a shelf at the library, a book fell out." That book led him to write Ragtime. "That’s my idea of research."

The New York Times makes it easy to do all the research you'd like on Doctorow.

