
a weblog for readers and writers

Monday, February 19, 2024

“Two Wrongs, Making a Right” in The Five-Two

The Five-Two has published my poem "Two Wrongs, Making a Right."

"Two Wrongs, Making a Right" was inspired by the idea of raising the stakes in a situation many of us have experienced - getting pulled over for speeding. The poem goes beyond that and explores the consequences of one's actions and the potential for redemption.

Read “Two Wrongs, Making a Right” in The Five-Two at the link below:


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Monday, February 12, 2024

A Weekend in Nashville: Music, Food and Fun for Everyone” in Baltimore Style Magazine


My travel story, "A Weekend in Nashville: Music, Food and Fun for Everyone," has been featured in Baltimore Style Magazine. It's an exploration of Nashville's unique character, showcasing its music scene, delicious cuisine, and engaging cultural experiences. 

Get an insight into the city's historical landmarks and renowned music venues, along with its diverse food scene by visiting Baltimore Style Magazine and reading the story: https://www.baltimorestyle.com/a-weekend-in-nashville-music-food-and-fun-for-everyone/ 


Monday, February 05, 2024

Another McEwan Coincidence


British author Ian McEwan, perhaps best known for his novel Atonement, has experienced coincidence fitting for one of his novels. For example, when he discovered that he had a long-lost half-brother. (See my earlier post.)

Here’s another coincidence: Ian McEwan released his novel-in-utero, Nutshell, within the same 12-month period as two others with the same point of view — including my own, Womb: a novel in utero.

What are the odds? I started the first draft of my novel narrated from within the womb about 10 years before it was published. I even had excerpts from it published in literary journals years before the novel was completed, submitted, and published. And yet, three books with very different takes on the same unique narrator were published in such close proximity. 

Nutshell and Womb: a novel in utero were even compared to one another in essays, reviews, and Library Journal

Learn more about Ian McEwan’s books in Library Journal.


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Thursday, February 01, 2024

Raven Reading


It looks like Taylor brought along some reading material to last week's Ravens Game!

Readers gonna read; get your copy today!


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