
a weblog for readers and writers

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Join us for Lit and Art This Sunday

Is all of this snow getting you a little stir-crazy? Break your cabin fever and join us for a refreshing afternoon of lit, art, music, wine, and great conversation with some of the most creative people in the region.

Featured readers for this Sunday’s Lit and Art at the Watermark event include Lauren Beth Eisenberg Davis, Sid Gold, Dave Housley, Bill Hughes, Jen Michalski, and Richard Peabody. Live music by singer-songwriter Goodloe Byron. Original art by Manzar. Nitin Jagdish and I will be your hosts for the afternoon.

Readings, live music, original art, open mic, free refreshments — the best excuse to get lit on a Sunday afternoon in Baltimore! Join us for the next event on Sunday, January 31, 2-5 p.m. at The Watermark Gallery, 100 South Charles Street, in the Bank of America building across from Baltimore’s Inner Harbor.

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Friday, January 15, 2016

Bright New Year for Lit and Art

Looks like a bright new year for the Lit and Art Reading Series at the Watermark Gallery. The lineup of talent featured during the five 2016 events include:

Robin E. Black

Jessica Anya Blau

Goodloe Byron

Kathy Cottle

Caryn Coyle

Wayne Countryman

Lauren Beth Eisenberg Davis

Barbara DeCeasar

Kathy Flann

Christopher T. George

Sid Gold

Tom Glenn

Dave Housley

Bill Hughes

Danuta Kosk-Kosicka

Nathan Leslie

Sonia Linebaugh

Jen Michalski

Sherry Audette Morrow

Richard Peabody

Charles Rammelkamp

Rosalia Scalia

Laura Shovan

Sally Whitney

Gregg Wilhelm

Mark Willen

And a host of others! Readings, live music, original art, open mic, free refreshments — the best excuse to get lit on a Sunday afternoon in Baltimore! Join us for the next event on Sunday, January 31, 2-5 p.m. at The Watermark Gallery, 100 South Charles Street, in the Bank of America building across from Baltimore’s Inner Harbor.



Tuesday, January 05, 2016

What Will You Read This Year?

As you settle into 2016, you may be ironing out some of your goals and resolutions for the new year. For many, that includes thinking about your reading list.

A fitting time to share the great mash-ups suggested by Atticus Books! Recently, the publisher did a service to readers by offering a full and diverse reading list. They paired their own titles with similar classics. The result: perhaps the work of curating a reading list has been done for you.

They paired Fight for Your Long Day with Prinn, The Great Lenore with The Great Gatsby, The Snow Whale with Moby Dick, and The Messiah Trilogy with Lord of the Rings. Other authors paired up include Nathan Leslie with David Foster Wallace, Jared Yates Sexton with Ramond Carver, Letita L. Moffitt with Toni Morrison, and me with Tim O’Brien.

“If The Things They Carried is a reminder of the War in Vietnam, Tracks is a reminder of the wars people face every day when they wake up.”

Check out all of the pairings at the Atticus Books website … and start reading a combination of indie lit and classics for 2016.

Which book are you starting your year with?

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