Kim Gek Lin Short on Faraway Tables: “A Quiet Exuberance”
Poets and readers have taken their
places at the table! Today's endorsement comes from poet Kim Gek Lin Short,
author of China Cowboy and Run. Kim Gek Lin Short writes:
“Faraway Tables is a
postpandemic Lost and Found in which the quotidian is remade and emulsified in
the stuck clock of memory. Redolent with palaver and puns, plus the guitarra of
fado and the cuckoo of good times, these poems—replete with the provenance of
nostalgia—are time capsules in the armchair tourist’s pillbox. Goodman’s
reminiscences have a quiet exuberance, like finding a table for two in one’s
mind, the intimate conversation is a duet between the white noise of clanking
cutlery and the rhythms of recollection.”
Faraway Tables
released on October 1 by Yorkshire Publishing. Learn more
about the book, order information, and news about the collection by staying
tuned to this blog and at