
a weblog for readers and writers

Saturday, April 01, 2017

Extreme Book Promotion Gone Wild!

For writers (and artists and musicians), promoting your work is important. If you write it they will read sounds nice, but it’s only the case with your core circle, or your tribe. These days, extreme book promotion is how to bring new audiences to your work. Go extreme, get their attention, and maybe you’ll find new readers that wouldn’t pay attention if you just put your words in front of them.

Halloween seemed a perfect time to go extreme with the book promotion. And April Fool's Day seems the only possibly appropriate day to go live with it.

But how far is too far? Maybe this is: dressing up as a pregnant woman for our Halloween party, to promote Womb: a novel in utero. Several times throughout the night, I went into false labor, only little advertising cards leaking out. Then, it happened: I gave birth to my labor of love—the advance reading copy of Womb.

Watch the Gif at the link below. Did it, or the picture above, get your attention? Is it a little too much? I’ll let you decide. If nothing else, it was a fun Halloween party!

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