
a weblog for readers and writers

Thursday, March 16, 2017

FREE Book for an Honest Review

A free lunch may be hard to find, but a free book? We have one with your name on it.

Reviews at Amazon, GoodReads, and other places people go to find out what readers think can make a big difference in the success of a book, especially one published by a small press. Small presses produce great work that larger presses often ignore. Small presses take risks on work they feel are worthwhile, while most large publishers focus on the bottom dollar: is this a proven, sure think and will it make gobs of money.

Getting reviews helps the Davids get equal footing with the Goliaths.

That's why Merge Publishing is offering a free copy of my new book, Womb: a novel in utero, to anyone who is willing to read it and give an honest review and/or rating on Amazon, Goodreads, and any other venues.

Ideally, we'd like reviews to be posted during Womb Week, between March 21 and March 28. Having them online during the launch will be helpful. But a review anytime for a small press is appreciated.

The review can be just a few sentences, like a blurb, or longer, if desired. If you don't have time for a full review, even just a rating would be helpful. We're fond of stars, to the more the merrier. 

Of course, even after you get your free book, if you'd like to support my writing and Merge's efforts, you're welcome to purchase additional copies as gifts for other readers on your lest. In fact, we encourage it!

But first and foremost, we're looking for a few good reviews. Uncle Merge wants YOU!

Here's where you can claim your free copy of Womb: a novel in utero in exchange for an honest review. 


And, here's an example of one of the reviews we've received so far.


Claim your free copy of Womb: a novel in utero at https://www.instafreebie.com/free/1mSOZ

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