
a weblog for readers and writers

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Coming October 1, 2024: Faraway Tables


The Table is set! My debut poetry collection, Faraway Tables, has a publication date. Yorkshire Publishing will release Faraway Tables on Tuesday, October 1, 2024.

This collection, largely a product of those introspective, shelter-in-place days of the pandemic, has been described as a meditation on the human experience. Examining places of the mind and the world. These poems explore the personal and global shifts we've all navigated, recalling the strength it takes to find one’s place in a constantly changing world.

You have a place at the table. Savor the delicate flavors of memory, explore the poignant beauty of other places and other times, and celebrate the enduring connections that define our shared humanity.

Stay tuned for more in the coming weeks as we delve deeper into the world of Faraway Tables! Come back to this blog, and visit www.EricDGoodman.com.


Monday, July 15, 2024

“Toast to Friendship” in Syndic Literary Journal


My recent poem, “Toast to Friendship,” was published in a recent issue of Syndic Literary Journal. This piece reflects on my memories of visiting both Russia and Ukraine in the 1990s and 2010s, and toasting to international friendship betweenRussians, Ukrainians, and Americans. In light of current events, it carries a hopeful message for future generations to raise a toast to peace and friendship.

Listen to the poem, along with others, in Syndic Literary Journal: https://www.syndicjournal.us/syndic-narrations-cloudburst-8-poems-by-menke-katz-narrated-in-english-translation/

Monday, July 01, 2024

John Sanford Goes to Camp

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Or Rather, John Camp went to Sanford.  The two Johns are one and the same.  One name is his given, the other he uses for marketing reasons.

John’s not alone. Other writers do it too. John writes two types of books, and instead of confusing or disappointing readers who have come to love one kind of book over the other, he simply sells them under different names. 

He uses his grandfather’s name for his adult fiction and his real name for children’s books.

What’s in a name?  A lot when you’re a bestselling novelist.

Do you use a pen name when you go to publish your work?

Learn more about the two Johns at his website.



Monday, June 24, 2024

Goodman Places as Finalist in the Willow Run Poetry Book Award for Faraway Tables


Goodman Places as Finalist in the Willow Run Poetry Book Award for Faraway Tables

Hidden River Arts recently announced the semi-finalists, finalists, and winner of the Willow Run Poetry Book Award. Judges advanced Eric's forthcoming manuscript, Faraway Tables, from the semi-finalist round to place as a finalist. 
Congratulations to all of the semi-finalists, finalists, and to winner Stephen Odiedo of Siaya, Kenya.

Faraway Tables is being published by Yorkshire Publishing later this year.
Learn more about the Willow Run Poetry Book Award at the link:

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Monday, June 17, 2024

My Poem, “Moments,” Published in Syndic Literary Journal

My recent poem, "Moments," was published in Syndic Literary Journal. Have a listen to “Moments” along with four other recent poems at Syndic: https://www.syndicjournal.us/syndic-narrations-cloudburst-8-poems-by-menke-katz-narrated-in-english-translation/

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Monday, June 03, 2024

Is Rewriting Writing?


We've all heard it: writing is rewriting. A first draft should never be considered complete. In order to be successful as a writer, it's important not to fall in love with your own first draft.

Alice McDermott knows a thing or two about the various stages of a successful novel. Here's her take.

"The first draft is spillage," she explains. A writer should just let the words and story flow from you without regard to rules, structure, plot, character development, what makes sense, what doesn't jive. Write the first draft from your heart, as it comes to you. Hey, it's only a first draft.

"Then," McDermott suggests, "write at least three drafts. In rewrites, spend the time, don't try to save time. Hone the prose, shape it, redo it. Don't just re-copy with minor edits—that's the easy way out."

With the soul of your first draft already on paper, the second, third, and any additional drafts should be where the true craftsmanship comes in. Sculpt your clay into something wonderful and unique, something others will want to read as well as yourself.

"A novel should evolve from its own predictable themes," McDermott said. 

Learn more about Alice McDermott: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_McDermott 


Monday, May 20, 2024

“Last Call” Published in Syndic Literary Journal

My poem "Last Call," has been published in the Syndic Literary Journal.

Listen to "Last Call" and other poems in Syndic Literary Journal at the link below.: https://www.syndicjournal.us/syndic-narrations-cloudburst-8-poems-by-menke-katz-narrated-in-english-translation/

Monday, May 13, 2024

Krakow’s Wawel Hill: Dragons and Sacred Stones


My latest travel story “Krakow’s Wawel Hill: Dragons and Sacred Stones'' has been published in Go World Travel Magazine. Read about the Royal Castle, Wawel Cathedral, and the legend of the Wawel Dragon, as the story offers a factual tour of the site's historical and cultural significance, including visits to notable landmarks and the cathedral's royal crypts. 

For a detailed guide and insights into this Polish heritage site, you can read the full story at the following link: https://www.goworldtravel.com/krakows-wawel-hill/


Monday, May 06, 2024

Featured Poet at the Wilde Reading Series

Wilde Readings, also known as the Howard County Literary Reading Series, is a free monthly event that provides local writers — poets, fiction, non-fiction — a chance to share their work with the community. The format showcases featured authors, as well as an open mic for interested audience members.

Sponsored by HoCoPoLitSo and coordinated by Laura Shovan, Ann Bracken, and Linda Joy Burke, Wilde Readings are held the second Tuesdays of each month from September through early summer at the Columbia Association Art Center in the village of Long Reach. Readings start at 7 p.m.

Featured during the May event are Eric D. Goodman and Charles Rammelkamp.

Join us on May 14 at 7 p.m. for an evening of poetry. Learn more at https://hocopolitso.org/programs/wilde-readings/.


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Monday, April 29, 2024

“We No Longer Kill Our Visitors" and "Sacrifice for Sleep" in The Mid-Atlantic Review

The Mid-Atlantic Review has published two of my recent poems: "We No Longer Kill Our Visitors" and "Sacrifice for Sleep." “We No Longer Kill Our Visitors” explores the types of house guests that came around during the pandemic. “Sacrifice for Sleep” admires sacrifices that are often made in the interest of others. 

Find the poems and others in The Mid-Atlantic Review at the following link:



Monday, April 22, 2024

Discovering Dublin Published in Go World Travel

Go World Travel Magazine has just featured my latest adventure, "Discovering Dublin: Don’t Miss These Irish Gems."
See the city's must-see spots, like the Little Museum of Dublin, Kilmainham Gaol, and the Guinness Storehouse, blending historical insights with local experiences.

For the full story and tips on enjoying Dublin like a local, read my story at the following link:



Monday, April 15, 2024

“Just Enough” in Syndic Literary Journal

My poem "Just Enough" has been published in the Syndic Literary Journal.

But there's more! Along with "Just Enough," you can also listen to four other poems written and narrated by me.

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Sunday, April 07, 2024

Poetry Reading at Philadelphia Northeast Regional Library


The next event in the North of Oxford Reading Series takes place on Saturday, April 13 at 1 p.m. at Philadelphia’s Northeast Regional Library. Featured poets include Ernest Hilbert and Eric D. Goodman.

Ernest Hilbert is the author of the poetry collections Sixty Sonnets, All of You on the Good Earth, Caligulan—selected as winner of the 2017 Poets’ Prize—and Last One Out. His fifth book, Storm Swimmer, was selected by Rowan Ricardo Phillips as the winner of the 2022 Vassar Miller Prize. In 2023 he was awarded the Meringoff Writing Award for Poetry from the Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers. Visit him at www.ernesthilbert.com

Eric D. Goodman lives and writes in Maryland, where he’s remained sheltered in place for most of the pandemic, spending a portion of his hermithood writing poetry. He’s author of Wrecks and Ruins (Loyola University’s Apprentice House Press, 2022) The Color of Jadeite (Apprentice House, 2020), Setting the Family Free (Apprentice House, 2019), Womb: a novel in utero (Merge Publishing, 2017) Tracks: A Novel in Stories (Atticus Books, 2011), and Flightless Goose, (Writers Lair Books, 2008). More than a hundred short stories, articles, and travel stories have been published in literary journals, magazines, and periodicals. His recent poems have appeared in Gargoyle, Loch Raven Review, North of Oxford, and Bourgeon. Learn more about Eric and his writing at www.EricDGoodman.com

Learn more about this and other events in the North of Oxford Reading Series at https://northofoxfordreadingseries.wordpress.com/.

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Monday, March 18, 2024

To Battle: A Civil-War Tour of Gettysburg” in Baltimore Style Magazine


“To Battle: A Civil-War Tour of Gettysburg” has been published on the Baltimore Style Magazine website.

We explored the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum, walked the historic battlefield, and paid our respects at the Soldiers’ National Cemetery. We also visited key sites like the David Wills House and the Eisenhower National Historic Site.

Read more about our experience and the town's significant Civil War history: https://www.baltimorestyle.com/to-battle-a-civil-war-tour-of-gettysburg/

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Monday, March 04, 2024

In Conversation with Sally Whitney published on Book Smuggler’s Den

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The Book Smuggler’s Den published an interview with Sally Whitney and me talking about our novels, writing processes, and more. 

Setting, history, culture, diverse characters, research, where ideas come from, and the writing process are all covered in the article. We also discuss my first adventure thriller and the locations I went to get the facts precise, as well as why fiction is important. 

Check out the full interview at https://booksmugglersden.com/portfolio/authors-goodman-and-whitney/ 

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Monday, February 19, 2024

“Two Wrongs, Making a Right” in The Five-Two

The Five-Two has published my poem "Two Wrongs, Making a Right."

"Two Wrongs, Making a Right" was inspired by the idea of raising the stakes in a situation many of us have experienced - getting pulled over for speeding. The poem goes beyond that and explores the consequences of one's actions and the potential for redemption.

Read “Two Wrongs, Making a Right” in The Five-Two at the link below:


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Monday, February 12, 2024

A Weekend in Nashville: Music, Food and Fun for Everyone” in Baltimore Style Magazine


My travel story, "A Weekend in Nashville: Music, Food and Fun for Everyone," has been featured in Baltimore Style Magazine. It's an exploration of Nashville's unique character, showcasing its music scene, delicious cuisine, and engaging cultural experiences. 

Get an insight into the city's historical landmarks and renowned music venues, along with its diverse food scene by visiting Baltimore Style Magazine and reading the story: https://www.baltimorestyle.com/a-weekend-in-nashville-music-food-and-fun-for-everyone/ 


Monday, February 05, 2024

Another McEwan Coincidence


British author Ian McEwan, perhaps best known for his novel Atonement, has experienced coincidence fitting for one of his novels. For example, when he discovered that he had a long-lost half-brother. (See my earlier post.)

Here’s another coincidence: Ian McEwan released his novel-in-utero, Nutshell, within the same 12-month period as two others with the same point of view — including my own, Womb: a novel in utero.

What are the odds? I started the first draft of my novel narrated from within the womb about 10 years before it was published. I even had excerpts from it published in literary journals years before the novel was completed, submitted, and published. And yet, three books with very different takes on the same unique narrator were published in such close proximity. 

Nutshell and Womb: a novel in utero were even compared to one another in essays, reviews, and Library Journal

Learn more about Ian McEwan’s books in Library Journal.


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Thursday, February 01, 2024

Raven Reading


It looks like Taylor brought along some reading material to last week's Ravens Game!

Readers gonna read; get your copy today!


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Monday, January 29, 2024

Five Recent Poems in The Fictional Cafe

Five new poems were published in The Fictional Cafe.

In "Knights that Pass in the Ship," we see the contrasting perspectives of two knights. One is constantly on the lookout for danger, while the other chooses to savor the view, exposing his heart to potential harm. It's a reflection on how we each choose to navigate the world.

"Newsworthy" is a commentary on the overwhelming amount of devastating news that often overshadows personal achievements. It was inspired by the day my first book was published, a joyous occasion that seemed insignificant amidst the world's tragedies.

"Buried Reason" is a contemplation on the cycle of life and death. I draw parallels between the burial of the dead and the fertilization of the earth, highlighting the interconnectedness of all life forms.

In "Systolic," I reflect on the impact of work-related stress on health. The poem was inspired by a personal experience, where I noticed a rise in my blood pressure upon returning to work after a relaxing staycation.

Finally, "Backyard Weeds" is a meditation on our place in the world. I suggest that humans are no more consequential than the weeds in our backyard, a humbling reminder of our place in the grand scheme of things.

Read poems in The Fictional Cafe at the following link: https://www.fictionalcafe.com/week-4-eric-forsbergh-susan-simonds-and-eric-goodman/

Monday, January 22, 2024

Sparks of Calliope Publish Two Recent Poems

Two of my recent poems, "As for the Ticket" and "Thanks for the Socks," have been published in Sparks of Calliope: A Journal of Poetic Observations.

Sparks of Calliope is known for its emphasis on reflective and thought-provoking poetry.  Hopefully these two poems, and others included in the issue, will give you something to think about.

You can find the poems at the following link: https://sparksofcalliope.com/2023/10/25/two-poems-by-eric-d-goodman/ 

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Monday, January 15, 2024

"Control" and "Social Media Boycott" published in Bourgeon Literary Journal

"Control" and "Social Media Boycott" published in Bourgeon Literary Journal.

"Control" is a reflection on our relationship with technology and the ease with which we often surrender control to it. It's a commentary on our reliance on digital tools and the longing for someone else to navigate the complexities of life for us.

"Social Media Boycott," on the other hand, explores our connection with social media and the impact it has on our lives. It delves into the anticipation of birthday greetings on our electronic wall and the sense of loss when a social media boycott coincides with a personal celebration.

Find the poems in Bourgeon Literary Journalhttps://bourgeononline.com/2023/05/two-poems-by-eric-d-goodman-2/ 

Monday, January 08, 2024

Yorkshire to Publish Poetry Collection

Big news on the publishing front! My first book of poetry, Faraway Tables, is being released by Yorkshire Publishing in spring 2024! The acceptance even came with a modest advance. 

Although I have written poetry before, I’ve focused most of my writing career primarily on prose: fiction and creative non-fiction. As the pandemic found many of us shuttered up in our homes, I found myself drawn to poetry—reading it and writing it. It would seem that being home and no longer needing to commute would provide more time for long-form writing, but I felt as though I had less focus time during the pandemic than before. This is partially what attracted me to poetry. 

Poetry seems a perfect form for today’s society—short, concise, and able to get a point or feeling or idea across succinctly. That appealed to me as a reader, and especially as a writer. Rather than jot down and file away ideas that came to me for future stories, novels, or plot development, I was able to use them as the basis for poetry.

The pandemic was also a time to question life as we know it, to reminisce about life as we knew it, and to consider what life will be as we emerge back into a new normalcy. Poems proved an ideal vehicle for such a mood and frame of mind.

The result, for me, is my first collection of poetry—Faraway Tables.

About 40 of the poems from Faraway Tables have been published or accepted for publication in literary journals, magazines, both online and in print. Many of them have been or will be shared here.

Stay tuned to www.Writeful.blogspot.com for more details as they become available.


Wednesday, January 03, 2024

My Lithuania Story in Baltimore Style Magazine

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Before I set part of my novel, Wrecks and Ruins, in Lithuania, I visited the nation myself and wrote some travel stories about my time there.

Explore my travel story and photographs published in Baltimore Style Magazine: “Lithuania, You Say?”

It’s a sneak peek at some of the settings you’ll find in Wrecks and Ruins


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Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Chatting With Authors

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Thousands of writers at all levels—from beginners to seasoned experts—join together to share and learn at writing conferences across the nation and around the world. I have fond memories of cutting my teeth at some of these conferences, such as the  Annual Maryland Writers Conference.

My own session went well.  I participated in a panel discussion on marketing your writing.  Joining me were authors Austin Camacho, Diane Marquette, and Peter Abresch. We provided tips on our own unique ways of marketing our writing to new audiences — through blogs, articles, book signings, book readings, conferences, social media, and more.

The highlight of one Maryland Writers Conference was the keynote address by author Thomas F. Montelone.  Tom is the author of more than thirty books and has published more than 100 stories.  He’s also the author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Writing a Novel.  

I had the pleasure of chatting with Tom over coffee during the conference for about half an hour.  But I didn’t conduct an interview since I knew that there were already two great ones out there by fellow conference-goers.

Read an interview with Tom conducted by Nancy O. Greene at The Writer’s Block here.



Monday, December 18, 2023

"Fire Pit Season" and "Hammer," published on North of Oxford.

I'm excited to share two of my latest poems, "Fire Pit Season" and "Hammer," which were published on North of Oxford.

"Fire Pit Season" is a reflection of my observations of nature as it transitions into the cooler season. From squirrels opting for softer acorns to deer sampling the meaty red berries of dogwood trees.

On the other hand, "Hammer" is a stark commentary on the atrocities that occur daily in our world. It juxtaposes the comfort of our everyday lives with the harsh realities faced by others, aiming to provoke thought and introspection.

Learn more: 

Monday, December 11, 2023

“Nostalgia” in Syndic Literary Journal

My poem suite, Nostalgia,  has found a home in Syndic Literary Journal.

In the same issue, you’ll also find translations by Menke Katz.

Nostalgia includes five poems that look over the shoulder to other times and places. Listen to “Layover,” “Toast to Friendship,” “Just Enough,” “Last Call,” and “Moments” in Syndic Literary Journal at the link below: 


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Monday, December 04, 2023

The Lit & Art Reading Series

I'm excited to announce that the next event in the Lit & Art Reading Series will take place on Saturday, December 9 from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. on the 11th floor of the Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower!

This will be the first Lit & Art since the pandemic hit. The event is free and open to the public.

The Lit & Art Reading Series has been showcasing the talents of local, regional, and national authors, poets, musicians, and artists since 2007—making us the longest-running literary salon series in Baltimore. This is our first event since January 2020, before the pandemic.

Join us at the Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower on Saturday, December 9 from 12:30 to 2:30!

Nitin Jagdish and I will host the event.

Judith Krummeck of WBJC will emcee the event.

Featured readers include Charles Rammelkamp, Diane Sahms, g emil reutter, and Lauren Eisenberg Davis.

Musical guest is Pinto (Andrew Laughland and Tom Jackson); they will perform songs between readings.

There is an opportunity to share your work during open mic.

While here, you can enjoy the art gallery and a tour of this iconic Baltimore landmark!

Learn more about the Lit & Art event and the featured talent at the Lit & Art Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LitAndArt

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Monday, November 27, 2023

A new story published in Loch Raven Review

The Loch Raven Review's latest issue, now available online, includes an assortment of literary pieces from several authors. Among the featured works is my story, "Attaché." 

This issue features the work of such poets, authors, and reviewers as Charles Rammelkamp, CL Bledsoe, Rosalia Scalia, Caryn Coyle, Shirley Brewer, Celia Bell, Dan Cuddy, and Susan Reslwic Keatley. 

Visit the link below to read my story, "Attaché," and the other collected works. The entire issue is available for readers at the following link:



Monday, November 20, 2023

"Zakopane, Wielczka, and Wroclaw," part two of my travel story on Poland, published in inTravel Magazine

The adventure across Poland continued with visits to Zakopane, Wieliczka, and Wroclaw. Zakopane, known as the winter capital of Poland, offered a unique blend of local culture, stunning landscapes, and delicious cuisine. The highlight was a hike in the Tatra Mountains, providing breathtaking views and encounters with local wildlife.

Next, the journey led to Wieliczka, home to the famous Wieliczka Salt Mine. This UNESCO World Heritage Site amazed with its underground city, all carved out of rock salt. The mine featured chapels, sculptures, and even a lake, all underground and made from salt.

The final stop was Wroclaw, a city known for its beautiful architecture and numerous bridges. The Market Square, with its colorful buildings, was a vibrant center of activity. The visit also included a fun city game of searching for the Wroclaw dwarfs – small figurines scattered throughout the city.

Throughout the journey, the bond between father and son strengthened, and the shared experiences created memories that would last a lifetime.

Learn more by reading "Zakopane, Wielczka, and Wroclaw," part two of my travel story on Poland in inTravel Magazine: https://www.intravelmag.com/intravel/in-depth/zakopane-wieliczka-and-wroclaw-poland

Monday, November 06, 2023

Sandra Brown Writes What She Likes


When you have more than 80 novels to your name—many of them bestsellers — you can write whatever you like. That’s what author Sandra Brown suggests every writer do.

"You have to write what you like. It's too hard and time consuming not to enjoy the work. You have to write what you'd like to read.”

And what does she like? In the beginning, she wrote romance novels that followed constrained outlines and formulas. "It’s more fun and more lucrative to write my own stuff for a broader audience." She's written under four pen names — but now, everything is published under Sandra Brown.

She still has a heart for romance, but now she also writes thrillers and mysteries. “A good writer won’t be pigeonholed into one genre. A good writer should stretch out.”

You can stretch out at Sandra’s website.

