
a weblog for readers and writers

Monday, July 29, 2019

"A Generous, Boisterous, Surprising Read"

Jacquelyn Mitchard is the author of the best-selling novel
The Deep End of the Ocean, which was the first selection for Oprah's Book Club back in 1996. She’s written countless novels for adults and young adults.

Here is what Jacquelyn Mitchard had to say about Setting the Family Free:

“Like Karen Joy Fowler’s classic, We are All Completely Beside Ourselves, Eric D. Goodman’s newest novel is droll, trenchant, political … it operates on just about any level a reader could wish for. Setting the Family Free might be a fable by intention, but the what-if premise of a private zoo of exotic animals loosed on a middle American town is also a generous, boisterous, surprising read, like a tiger in your backyard.

       - Jacquelyn Mitchard
         author of The Deep End of the Ocean

Pre-order your copy of Setting the Family Free today at Amazon or directly from Apprentice House!

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Anonymous Clynj said...

Thiis was a lovely blog post

September 17, 2023  

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