Three Acts of Wayne Countryman
Davida G.
Breier, William
Patrick Tandy, and Tony Hayes, have published
a zine to honor writer, photographer, and friend Wayne C. Countryman.
The result: a 68-page chapbook: Three Acts of
Wayne Countryman.
Featuring seven of Wayne’s previously published stories, a
collection of his photography, and tributes from those who knew and admired
him, the book is free for anyone who would like a copy. Donations to help
offset the cost of printing and postage is welcome, too.
I’m gratified that I was able to contribute to the tribute,
along with Nancy O. Greene, Bruce Goldfarb, Fitz Fitzgerald, Jan Buckner, and
Rafael Alvarez.
To request your free copy, contact Davida at Facebook.
Labels: #Countryman, #FreeZine, #RIP, #Tribute, #WayneCountryman, #Zine
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