
a weblog for readers and writers

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Zombie Fiction for Halloween

I made the prediction a couple of years ago. For years, Vampires dominated the monster mainstream. Now, zombies seem to be everywhere. I foresaw the Zombie Apocalypse.

My short story, “Zombie is the New Vampire” was published in The Potomac back in Spring of 2011. I wrote the piece of flash fiction back in 2010.

The Potomac is a journal of poetry, politics, and prose based along the banks of the Potomac river.

“Zombie is the New Vampire” is what The Potomac calls a “quicktion,” or short piece of flash fiction. You can read it in a minute.

Read some Halloween lit now at http://thepotomacjournal.com/issue11/Fiction/Goodman.html.

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