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Monday, August 13, 2012

Thomas Steinbeck Reveals the Secret to Writing

Want to know the secret to writing? Thomas Steinbeck, son of Nobel Laureate successful author himself, wants to key you in.

Take a few minutes to watch this short, video; in less than three minutes you’ll have Steinbeck’s fiction formula.

Steinbecks’ secret is “the minimalist school” of writing. Don’t go to the desk to create. Go to the desk with the story already worked out in your mind, ready to report the story you already know.

“Let the audience do the reading,” advises Steinbeck. Good writing is a two-way street.

Drawing from his background as a journalist, Thomas Steinbeck covers the essential details: “Who, when, why, where what – you only cover those things in which the reader really needs the information in order to form picture for themselves.” What makes the book your own is that “you’ve decorated it” and your passion comes through.

Watch “The Secret to Writing” at  


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