
a weblog for readers and writers

Friday, August 19, 2011

ForeWord Magazine—A Compelling Novel

Another positive review, this one published in ForeWord Magazine, which reaches 26,000 librarians and book buyers each. Here’s what ForeWord had to say about Tracks: A Novel in Stories in the July/August issue.

“Like a collection of one-act plays, each scene is a tightly scripted vignette highlighting the life of a single character. And while each chapter of the novel is a standalone story, characters have roles to play in several. “The author has a knack for easily and quickly evoking a sense of place, here deftly describing the seasonal life in Baltimore's Inner Harbor: "In the humid days of summer, descending from the hill into the harbor was like sinking into a familiar hot tub."

“The literary device of having the principal characters launched on a journey is well established, calling to mind examples as divergent as Chaucer and Zane Gray. If not done well it can be a cliché. Goodman handles the device deftly and the result is a compelling novel.”

Read the full review of Tracks in the online version of ForeWord Magazine below.


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