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Monday, August 01, 2011

Sunday's Portsmouth Daily Times Profiles Tracks

Did you happen to read the Sunday edition of the Portsmouth Daily Times? It includes a story about my connection to Portsmouth and the publication of Tracks.

Here’s an excerpt of the feature:

Shawnee State graduate Eric D. Goodman has already received accolades for his book “Tracks: A Novel in Stories,” which was published June 30.

Goodman said that, in a way, his experiences here in Portsmouth helped to influence his latest book.

“I lived at Celeron Square, just next to the parking lot on the far side from the (University) Center. That was before SSU had dorms. Just behind the apartments was a floodwall covered in grass. I used to sit up there in the evenings and watch people on campus and imagine their lives, much as I did for the passengers in ‘Tracks,’” Goodman said. “I remember thinking, back then, that one day I’d like to write a novel about the intertwining lives of the people on campus or at an apartment complex. That memory didn’t intrude while writing ‘Tracks,’ but it occurs to me now that, in a sense, ‘Tracks’ is that novel — the story of me looking down over Portsmouth from the floodwall and imagining the lives of other people.”

Read the full story at the Portsmouth Daily Times.


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