
a weblog for readers and writers

Friday, November 03, 2006

On Your Mark, Get Set, Write!

National Novel Writing Month is off to a fast-paced start. An estimated 75,000 writers are already well into the opening pages of their NaNoWriMo novels. Last year, the Maryland Region was honored as the most productive region of novelists in the world. As I write this, just three days in, Maryland's already ranked number three, just behind England and Washington. But we haven't even hit the first weekend yet, so anything can happen.

My own novel-in-fast-progress, Dead Ends, is off to a good start with nearly 10,000 words -- about a fifth of the way to the 50,000 word goal. You can learn more about it -- and even read an excerpt -- in my NaNoWriMo lounge. While you’re lounging, I’ve got to get back to writing!



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