Ring in 2010 With Some Great New Lit!
The holidays are over, the resolutions made (and in some cases forgotten), and many readers are back in the usual swing of things.
Why not ring in the new year with some fresh fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and art? We have just the online journal for you.
Check out the Winter 2010 issue of jmww, a Baltimore-based quarterly journal of fiction, poetry, flash, nonfiction, and art, hot off the digital presses at jmww.150m.com.
The new issue includes interviews with Emily Peterson, Adam Robinson, and Mary Miller; fiction by Clarinda Harriss, Patrick Dacey, and Anne Valente; poetry by Peter Schwartz, Heather Momyer, Linsday Ahl, Nate Pritts, Doug Tanoury, and Emily Peterson; and much more.
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