
a weblog for readers and writers

Monday, January 23, 2006

Web Portal for Baltimore Literary Scene

What is the heart of the Baltimore literary scene?

Some long-time Baltimorians can point to reading series at Enoch Pratt and Notre Maison, recommend any number of publications like Link and The Baltimore Review, or rattle off a list of writers from Alvarez to Zane. But the scene can be difficult to get a handle on for newcomers and regulars alike. CityLit Project announces a new website to unite writers and lovers of the written word. The announcement comes on the organization's second anniversary.

"The site is about nurturing the entire culture of literature by bringing synergy to a somewhat fragmented scene," said founder Gregg Wilhelm.

The site serves as the small non-profit's primary method to publicize events, develop writers, and hold conversations about publishing. It's intended to take on a life of its own as users contribute to its features.

Join the conversation; visit the site at http://www.citylitproject.org/.


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